Brushes & Painting Knives

Marabu Childrens Brushes

Marabu KiDS craft accessories are perfectly adapted to the requirements of children. Marabu KiDS provides young craft enthusiasts with everything they need for their hobby. Guaranteed success for any work of art. All handles are guaranteed FSC timber. 

Item Code Description Available Qt Price Qt
MC0184200 MC0184200 MARABU BASIC SCHOOL BRUSH SET OF 5. A multipurpose, quality brush set for all school art and craft projects. Suitable for watercolours, acrylic and oil colours plus fabric painting. Set contains one Marabu Robust flat hog bristle brush each in sizes 8 & 12 flat plus round golden synthetic hair brushes in sizes 2, 4 and 8. 10 Login For Price
MC0184201 MC0184201 MARABU SCHOOL & CREATIVE BRUSH SET OF 4. A multipurpose, high-quality brush set for all school and creative arts. Suitable for watercolour, gouache, acrylic, fabric glass and ceramic painting. Set contains 1 each of sizes 10 flat plus round 2, 4 and 8 golden synthetic hair brushes. 53 Login For Price
MC0184200 MC0184202 MARABU MIXED MEDIA BRUSH SET OF 4. A multipurpose, quality brush set for all mixed media projects. Features a flat size 16 Robust hog bristle brush - perfect for acrylic paints, Universal brushes #6 round & #14 flat plus a Forte filbert size 8 brush - ideal for heavy body paints and mediums. 45 Login For Price
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